Vladimirovich Sazhnov

Russia • Moscow • né en 1981 • artiste
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Commande de l'œuvre

Sazhnov Dmitry Vladimirovich was born on 26 January 1981 in the city of Tashkent. Artist painter and graphic artist. A Member Of The Union Of Artists Of Moscow. Graduated from Penza art College named after K. A. Savitsky. The artist is a special reverent attitude to the graphic materials: pencil, gouache, and acrylic. The pencil of the artist in a more complete aspect of the submitted HEREbut the painting of a contemporary artist HERE. Many of the wizard as beautiful, and graphics, are in many private collections in our country and in several foreign countries. The young artist is constantly making creative plein-air trips to the most beautiful cities of our country, where he draws inexhaustible inspiration.
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