
Italia • 1511−1574

Biographie et informations

Italian painter, architect and author of the epoch of mannerism who was born in Arezzo, 30 July 1511. About 1524 went to Florence, where he worked in the workshops of Andrea del Sarto and Michelangelo. After a trip to Rome Vasari returned to Florence in the service of the Medici Dukes. In 1562 he founded the Academy of figure. Its main building of the ensemble of the Uffizi in Florence (1560-1585). Vasari is the author of the frescoes in the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence (1555) and the Hall of the Royal Palace in the Vatican (1571-1573). Died Vasari in Florence on June 27, 1574.

Father Vasari, Antonio, worked Gonchar. The whole life of the author of the "Life history" was presented as "Giorgio Vasari of Arezzo". The first teacher Vasari, when he was twelve years old, was a French artist Guillaume de Marcilla, painted glass Windows of the Church in Arezzo. In 1524 he lived in Florence, he was a student of Andrea del Sarto, Michelangelo and bachcho Bandinelli. Young Vasari patronized Alexander and Ippolito de ' Medici, who soon had to leave Florence. Vasari returned in Arezzo, where he received several orders and even wrote frescoes.


The known sculptor, painter and architect Rosso, while in Arezzo, gave some advice to the young Vasari. In gratitude Vasari later he described the life and work of his mentor in his work. Vasari completed the picture by pictures of Rosso. Vasari in these years was in need of money. His father died, and he took care of his three sisters and two brothers. Some time Vasari studied gold and silver craft, which at that time was considered art.

Florence, where it is already several months did it, was under the siege in 1529, what made Vasari to move to Pisa, and there he again began painting; at that time he was only 17 years old. Then began a series of his travels in Italy and job search; however, he happily met with one of the first of its patrons, Ippolito de ' Medici, who took it with him to Rome, where Vasari was tirelessly and diligently to work, and soon received his patron order to paint a picture "Venus and Grace".


When Charles V (1531) have restored the power of the Medici in Florence, Vasari returned to the Duke Alexander, a great admirer of art. In the Palace of the Duke Vasari wrote a few paintings and a portrait of Alexander, and taught architecture and decor. One of the first cases to show his talent was presented to him during the solemn entry of Charles V in Rome (1536), when I had to write different decorative buildings. At this time Vasari wrote to the monastery of St. Clare in Arezzo picture "the Annunciation". In the Louvre is the picture Vasari with the same plot (La salutation angelique), perhaps this is the "Annunciation" of Arezzo.


In 1537 Alexander Medici was killed, and Vasari was again left without a patron. Despite his youth, Vasari had already gained the popularity and began to receive invitations. After many trips he in 1540 worked in Bologna on the painting "the Meal of St. Gregory". On the subject and performance it is considered one of the best. This picture and is now in Bologna. All persons of this film portraits of contemporaries Vasari, their names are mentioned in his book.