
Germany • 1500−1562

In 1530, Amberger was admitted to the Guild of painters of Augsburg. In 1530, Umberger received the title of master necessary in the Middle ages in order to become a citizen of Augsburg and enjoy all civil rights. Amberger has painted numerous portraits of the patricians of Augsburg and their wives, as well as the portraits of Charles V, laid the Foundation for the success of the artist and portraits of Georg von Frundsberg, Conrad Peutinger, Fugger and Velizarov and the well-known portrait of the cosmographer Sebastian münster. In 1548, Umberger became acquainted with Titian. The most significant work of Amberger is the panel of the main altar of Augsburg Cathedral, created in 1554, after it was destroyed by the altarpiece, the work of Hans Holbein the Elder.

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