
Nadzeya Naurotskaya • Peinture, 2021, 70×50×2 cm
À propos de l'œuvre
This artwork has been added by an Arthive user, if it violates copyright please tell us.
Type d'art: Peinture
Sujet et objets: Portrait
Courant artistique: L'impressionnisme
Technique: Vitrail, Le beurre
Ressources: La toile
Date de création: 2021
Taille: 70×50×2 cm
Région: Regione Toscana
Propriétaire: Nadzeya Naurotskaya

Descriptif de la toile «Freedom»

Double-sided. Freedom has two sides, there is no absolute. You look free, but subject to rules and restrictions. No one is free even within themselves. There is always a super-Me that dictates the behavior rules.