Classement des œuvres

Tom Palmore. The Duchess Of Wister's
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The Duchess Of Wister's
David Teniers the Younger. Temptation of St. Anthony
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Temptation of St. Anthony
1650-е , 26.4×36.6 cm
Константин Иванович Горбатов. Vieux Novgorod. Barges
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Vieux Novgorod. Barges
1913, 142×107 cm
Kandinsky-DAE. Autoportrait. Bois, huile, 46-31, 2o16.
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Autoportrait. Bois, huile, 46-31, 2o16.
46×31 cm
Vyacheslav Korenev. L'ange en colère
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L'ange en colère
2005, 93.8×72.2 cm
Vasiliy Mishchenko. Flowers 083
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Flowers 083
XXI siècle, 40×70 cm
Nikolay Kornilevich Pimonenko. Ford
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1901, 89×140 cm
Vasiliy Mishchenko. Abstract 0208
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Abstract 0208
XXI siècle, 50×50 cm
Giovanni Fattori. White wall
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White wall
56×37 cm
Vasiliy Mishchenko. Big Bird
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Big Bird
XXI siècle, 40×60 cm
Sassetta. Bliss St. Francis
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Bliss St. Francis
1444, 190×122 cm
Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Coeur de la nuit
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Coeur de la nuit
1862, 27×24.4 cm
Antoine Watteau. Peasant dance
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Peasant dance
XVIII siècle, 23.1×17.2 cm
Ivan Ivanovich Terebenev. Carnival, or a merrymaking of Paris on Shrove Tuesday
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Carnival, or a merrymaking of Paris on Shrove Tuesday