Tristan et Isolde

Salvador Dali • Peinture, 1944
À propos de l'œuvre
This artwork was added since it is referred to in the materials below
Type d'art: Peinture
Sujet et objets: Scène littéraire
Courant artistique: Le surréalisme
Technique: Le beurre
Ressources: La toile
Date de création: 1944
Localisation: Collection privée
Œuvre dans les sélections: 16 selections

Descriptif de la toile «Tristan et Isolde»

Other artworks by this artist
The oil sketch for the painting "the Hallucinogenic toreador"
The oil sketch for the painting "the Hallucinogenic toreador"
1969, 398.8×299.7 cm
Portrait Of Gala
Portrait Of Gala
1977, 35×27 cm
The suburbs paranoid critical town, afternoon on the outskirts of European history
The suburbs paranoid critical town, afternoon on the outskirts of European history
1936, 46×66 cm
Landscape near Port Lligat
Landscape near Port Lligat
Le désir
Le désir
1929, 22×35 cm
Figure and drapery in a landscape
Figure and drapery in a landscape
1934, 55.5×46 cm
The face of Mae West, a surreal room
The face of Mae West, a surreal room
1935, 28×17 cm
Tauromachie. Corrida
Tauromachie. Corrida
Женщина у окна в Фигерасе
Женщина у окна в Фигерасе
1926, 21.5×21 cm
Gare de Perpignan
Gare de Perpignan
1965, 295×406 cm
Œuvres recommandées
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Napa Valley, California
2023, 90×60 cm
Alexei Filatov. "On the chile."
  • Publicité
"On the chile."
2024, 90×135 cm
Xenia Keith. The storm is starting
  • Publicité
The storm is starting
2025, 70×90 cm
Alexei Filatov. "Mars-3."
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2024, 70×100 cm
Alexei Filatov. "Venus-9."
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2024, 70×100 cm
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2024, 70×60 cm