Actually, it doesn't have much to do with apocalypses in the traditional sense, but let's just say that if anyone felt that the world's blood flow could stop at any moment, it was the Mesoamerican schizos sacrificing two thousand of their own children at a time.
In addition, they had pantheons of rather strange gods, such as a one-toothed man or a kid with a hat made of corn.
Their earth was flat and quadrangular (so Yuri Loza is apparently Mayan), with a seiba tree in the middle.
i got a little revenge on the kids by hanging the heads of the Mayans themselves up there - well, to fix those fuckers in eternity a little.
More blood to the god of blood, so to speak.
Yeah, you can order that crap from me as a poster too for the price of one plastered limb.
The creatures at the top and bottom of the picture are space beasts, something between deer, eagle, alligator, cheetah, and anything, apparently, that could be caught and eaten in the forest at all.These two beasts are the divine uber. They take the Mayan gods from the mountains to outer space and back.
By fragments: On top - Mountains, on which mountain Indians, as usual, do their business. Above and below the picture - divine beasts, about which it was said above - a hodgepodge like in the Noah's Ark meme.