Dmitrievich Grushevsky

Russia • Sankt-Peterburg and Leningrad Oblast • nato a 1962 • pittore
Artist in social media
Ordinare opera

Biografia e informazioni

He was born into a family of an artist, but devoted his entire life to television. Mikhail Grushevsky is a St. Petersburg writer and TV journalist with thirty years of experience. Many superstars and bearers of the country's cultural code have opened their souls to him. His strong point - lively, concise and witty dialogues. The author is able to raise the most slippery topics without crossing the permissible line. According to critics, "Grushevsky's manner is the embodiment of St. Petersburg style". He is a member of the unions of journalists and writers. Mikhail has eight published books. One of them is illustrated with the works of his father, industrial graphic artist Dmitry Hrushevsky. In 2015, the National Public Library held an exhibition "Dynasty", some of the exhibits from which were transferred to the funds of the National Public Library. A feature film "Behind Kefir" was made based on Mikhail's story.