Yakovlevich Kryzhitsky

Russia • 1858−1911

Received a General education in the Kiev real school, was admitted in 1877 to the students of the Imperial Academy of arts and worked there under the leadership of Professor Baron M. K. Klodt. Graduated from the academic course in 1884 with the title of class artist of the first degree with a small gold medal, awarded to him for the painting "Oaks"; raised, in 1889, the degree of academician.

Worked perfectly not only oil paints but also in watercolor and pencil, drawing motifs for landscapes primarily from the nature of the Kiev province and surrounding area of St. Petersburg. Most of his paintings appeared at the annual academic exhibitions, beginning in 1879, and watercolors at exhibitions the society of Russian watercolors, an active member of which he has been since its inception. Buried at the Smolensk Orthodox cemetery.

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