Nikolaevna Glebova

Russia • 1900−1985

A Student Of P. N. Filonov, party

team MAI. Worked in Detgiz, "Siskin" and "Hedgehog", illustrated

poems by D. Kharms, N. Z and A. Vvedensky. In the postwar

years Glebova, along with Vladimir Sterligov and develop their own

scenic system and create the famous "school Sterligov." Recently

published her wonderful "Blockade diary" (the Art of Leningrad.

1990. No. 1-3) and "memories of P. N. Filonov" (Panorama of the arts. Vol.

II. M., 1988). Cm. also: Tatiana Nikolaevna Glebova. Exhibition of works.

Booklet. L., 1981.

In 1924-1926 he worked in the private Studio of A. I. Savinov in 1926-1932 he was member in the team of MAI. As a member of the so-called core group, participated in all joint activities and exhibitions (see the comment. 9). For "Kalevala" was performed four illustrations/$FЗдесь further information about filanowski executed the illustrations for the Finnish epic based on the pencil marks I. I. Suvorov belonging to S. L. Zaklikovskaya copy of the Kalevala, which is currently preserved in the family of the daughter of Suvorov and Zaklikowski sculptor Kira Suvorova Innokentievna./. While in evacuation in Alma-ATA in the period of the great Patriotic war, met with Vladimir Sterligov, with whom he worked after returning to Leningrad, later dividing (1960) his idea for a new painting system. He illustrated works by O. F. Bergholz, S. Marshak, D. I. Kharms, A. I. Vvedensky and others; on some children's books worked with A. I. Poret . Exhibitor of domestic and foreign exhibitions. The author of the memories of Filonov, whose advice continued to use until 1941

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