Manukovich Abegyan

Russia • nato a 1909

Thesis in the CVC made. The training took place at the faculty of painting (1927-1931), the title of the artist mass of genre painting.

People's artist of Armenian SSR (1960).

1922-1927 — studied at Yerevan art-industrial College of S. Aghajanian and Sergey Arakelyan

1927-1930 — studied at the Moscow Whereine

1930-1931 — studied at the Leningrad Academy of Arts, the main teacher — SV Gerasimov.

Author lyrical landscapes, colorful still life, portraits and landscape and genre paintings, many landscapes easel graphics (drawings, watercolors, etchings, linocuts), imbued with subtle humor.Drawings dedicated to the revolutionary events in the Caucasus, and a series of etchings on the theme of the events of the great Patriotic war.

He was awarded two orders and medals.


M. M. Abeghyan, "Album", introductory article by A. chegodaeva, (Moscow, 1959)

Kamenskii A., "M. M. Abeghyan" (Moscow, 1966)

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