Azhievich Azhiev

Russia • nato a 1924

Honored artist of the Republic, laureate of the State prize them. After CH. Valikhanov, the participant of the great Patriotic war. Participant of many international, all-Union and Republican exhibitions of watercolors. His works are in the State Museum of arts. Kasteyev (Almaty), the State Tretyakov gallery and the Museum of Oriental art (Moscow), Museum of arts, Kiev, Baku, Vilnius, Riga, London Museum of art and architecture, in private collections of France, Italy, Germany, USA, Switzerland, South Korea. For assessment of the master, he has created about 10 thousand works.

Honored art worker of the Kazakh SSR. Laureate of the State prize of the Kazakh SSR im. CH.

Born December 23, 1924 in the village of Kemir-Togan, Kaskelen district, Almaty region. Kazakh.

In 1950 he graduated from the Almaty art College named. N. In. Gogol. Painter, watercolorist.

A member of the Union of artists of the USSR since 1959. The participant of the great Patriotic war. Awarded medals of the USSR.

The beginning of the career of the artist associated with the painting of the creation of paintings, which had in the 1950 – 1960 years of the actual content. They were dedicated to the Virgin lands and its people. Numerous creative journeys he discovers the beauty and uniqueness of watercolors, perfecting the technique, he soon finds his unique "style" your handwriting.

Watercolor U. Azhiyeva a unique phenomenon in the artistic process of Kazakhstan, especially in 1970-1990-ies. They are emotional and romantic, however, perfectly combine the authenticity and clarity of sensations and documentary experience. Occupy a special place in his creative portraits. All of them are full of attention and love of humanity to his character.

(author: Kabanova Svetlana Gamesultan,

member of the Union of artists of Kazakhstan,

head of sector graphs

State Museum of art

them. A. Kasteev)

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