Alexandrovich Alyakrinsky

Russia • 1892−1961

Painter, graphic artist, honored. art worker of the RSFSR (1945). Studied in MUZHVZ (1909-10). A participant in exhibitions from 1910. Lived and worked in Moscow. Drawing for gas. and W., designed kN. The painting "Lenin on the student meeting in Kazan University", a series of easel graphics, etc. manuf.

20 Oct 1892 (eagle) — may 1, 1961 (Moscow)

Painter, graphic designer

In 1909-1910 worked at the school as volnoslushayuschego student in S. V. Ivanov and A. M. Vasnetsov. In 1911-1915 he studied at the University Shanyavsky.

From 1912 he worked in the Moscow journals for which you have done cartoons, caricatures, sketches.

From 1910 he participated in exhibitions.

In 1917 he worked in Ryazan-Kozlov theater artist. In 1918-1921 he lived in Yaroslavl, where he taught at the State free art workshops and managed the Art Department GROWTH. In 1922 he moved to Moscow, collaborated with the magazines "Krasnaya Niva", "30 days", "Infidel." Engaged in registration of books in the publishers Goslitizdat, Detgiz and others. Among other things, created a series of illustrations for "Aelita" by A. N. Tolstoy, the poetry of Demyan Bedny, heavy cycle "the Moscow types".

Participated in the group exhibition "Union" (OBIS, 1925), international exhibition "the Art book" in Leipzig (1927), the exhibition "Poster in the service of five" (1932).

During the great Patriotic war performed a series of propaganda posters, a series of portraits of outstanding Russian military commanders. In 1945 was awarded the title of honored artist of the RSFSR.

Alyakrinsky works are in many Museum collections in Russia, including the State Tretyakov gallery, Pushkin Museum im. A. S. Pushkin and others.

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