Ilyich Andrushkevich

Russia • 1923−2010

Was born in d. Pimenova Kurgan region.

A veteran of the great Patriotic war.

In 1952. he graduated from the Moscow art Studio for disabled world war II (teachers - M. V. Dobroserdov, G. I. Zeitlin, I. M. Gurvich). In 1958. graduated MGHI them. Surikov workshop B. dehtereva), specialty Illustrator and designer of books. Teachers - M. V. Matorin, P. Rayner, A. I. Fomkin, B. A. Dehterev. With 1958. permanent participant of various art exhibitions. Since 1964.- member of the Union of artists of Russia. Honored artist of Russia (1987). Works are more than 80 museums and art galleries in the country and many countries of the world. In the picture gallery Krasnoarmeysk houses more than 350 of his graphic works - linocuts, lithographs, etchings, watercolors, pastels, gouaches, pencil drawings, pen and ink.

1924 birth. Honorary citizen of the city of Pushkino since 1999.

Honored artist of Russia, head of the folk art Studio of the Pushkin RDK, the participant of the great Patriotic war of 1941-1945 Over 40 years of experience in Pushkino, this wonderful artist and man was written hundreds of paintings devoted to Pushkin and its surroundings, created portraits of famous people of our region, immortalized in his paintings as places where lived and worked famous writers, poets and artists, as well as the architectural monuments (churches, Summer theatre and much more). Vladimir Lenin was created by the coats of arms of cities of Pushkino and Ivanteyevka, p. Klyazma, and the emblems of many organizations and educational institutions, including the cultural center "Pushkinskaya living room". Many Russian museums have in their collections his works. It's graphics, oil, watercolor.

He was born in 1923 in the village of Timanovka Kurgan region. The dream of becoming an artist came to him in childhood, but its implementation was interrupted by the war. In 1942 19-year-old boy was drafted into the army. After regimental school he was enrolled first in Tyumen military school, where, after short-term training and received the rank of Lieutenant, was sent to the Voronezh front. The first wound received in the battle of Kursk, but from the front left. Even in these hard years, often putting the gun in the face, Vladimir took up the brush and climbing on tall trees or the bell tower, located in the vicinity of the front lines, sketched the front edge of the enemy defense, his camouflaged firing positions, and then carefully bore got data on a field map. How many lives was saved by this thrust the young Lieutenant to draw! During the Dnieper crossing, raising troops in another attack, the company commander senior Lieutenant of the media was seriously wounded. The shrapnel exploded near the mines came to mind. Eight months fought Lenin's death, lying in hospitals. And won, survived, but was disabled. And the dream lived, and now nothing could prevent its implementation. In 1952, V. I. media he graduated from the Moscow city art Studio for disabled world war II, and in 1958 – Moscow State art Institute. V. Surikov. Then he and his family moved to live in settlement Klyazma of Pushkin area. And immediately begins to conduct a lot of community work. First of all, learning about the rich past of Pushkin's edge, he decides to visit all the historical places to sketch them. The artist creates a number of series of prints of memorable places, Pushkin district, Pushkino memorable places and the neighborhood (1967), the Memorial Museum-apartment of Lenin in Forest Clearings (1970), the memorial places of life and revolutionary activity of I. F. Armand (1975), Lenin places around Moscow (1981), nature Klyazma p. (1985). Was created coats of arms for the anniversaries of the cities of Pushkino (for that media received the title of honorary citizen of the city), Ivanteyevka and p. Klyazma. In addition, a significant place in his creativity is the theme of the industrial suburbs. She captured Andrushkevich during student practice in Irkutsk, and with the end of the 60-ies became one of the leading in his work. From 1971 to the present day, the exhibition of drawings and watercolors of the artist is mobile for businesses and schools in the district. Interest in it continues unabated. In each place, Vladimir Ilyich conducts meetings and interviews. Many of the works donated by the artist to museums and libraries in the district.

One of the most significant works of Vladimir Ilyich Andrushkevich can be considered a discovery in 1964 of the art Studio at the Pushkin House of culture. "The main thing in the Studio, – says its Director V. I. media, is still not training future artists and encouraging creativity. This is because you need to anyone of any profession." In 1984, the art room received the title of "national Amateur collective". Media organized a number of exhibitions of works by Pushkin artists, members of creative club of Amateur artists of the Pushkin district (created in 1981), students of folk art Studio RDK and their works.

In addition, a great work is performed Lenin propaganda of monuments of history and culture. Preparing pictorial material, creating logos, performs prints, layouts, posters, brochures, catalogs, books, cliches, etc. All this public work, which the artist himself hoisted on their shoulders and carries on for many years, without demanding anything in return. Just another way he can not live.

And now work will be able to enjoy the staff "Pushkin textiles". And all thanks to its Director V. S. Tolochko who understands the importance of art in the life of any person.

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