Alexandrovna Bari-Eisenman

Russia • 1879−1954

Biografia e informazioni

Born in St. Petersburg. Father — Alexander Veniaminovich Bari, an engineer and entrepreneur, a mother, Zinaida Yakovlevna Bari (nee von Grunberg). With the 70 - ies of the last century and until his death in 1913, A. V. Bari worked together with the engineer Shukhov, by completing its projects complex steel structures. Moscow owes much to this man: with the participation of the construction of the office Bari was built the building of the Upper trading rows (GUM), Kiev railway station, the Museum of fine arts and dozens of other now-preserved buildings.

Olga grew up in a large and happy family. She graduated from the Higher courses for women and was going to become a historian, but in 1903, after a trip to Italy, became interested in painting and started taking lessons from Leonid Pasternak, a friendly acquaintance with a family who was supported throughout his life. 1907 O Bari every year, he participated in exhibitions of the Moscow Association of artists "World of art". Society of artists "the Moscow salon". Olga Bari-Eisenman studied painting, combining it with active pedagogical activity. However, after 1918, her work was exhibited only twice during the life of the author: in 1947, when the shop Windows on Gorky street in honor of the 800th anniversary of the city and in 1980 on the evening of the Club of artists at the Kuznetsk bridge. At the first exhibition in the "Ark" (1996) was first exhibited her paintings and graphic works of the 1910s-1950s years.

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