
Russia • nata a 1950

1964 – 1970 - Leningrad art and Graphic Pedagogical School;

1986 – 1990 - art-Graphic faculty of the Leningrad Pedagogical Institute named Herzen;

1993 – 1997 - the work to create animated films at the Studio Lennauchfilm;

1994 – 2000. - the study of shape and color according to the system of Vladimir Sterligov. Member of experimental art – research group "Form + color" in the Studio of G. Zubkov;

since 1996 member of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia "IFA";

since 2000 member of the Humanitarian Fund "Free culture", Saint Petersburg, Russia.

2001 - participant of the project "the avant-garde on the Neva", the album "Space Sterligov", Saint-Petersburg, Russia;

2004 - laureate of the prize named after V. A. Vetrogonsky, the second independent international biennial of graphic art BIN 2004. Manege, Saint-Petersburg, Russia.

Solo exhibitions

1997 - Gallery "Bauer", Seeheim – Jugenfeim, Germany;

1999 - Hall Gross – Biberau , Germany;

1999 - town Hall, Seeheim, Germany.

2001 - "Healing art" international festival of psychologists, St. Petersburg, Russia.

2004 - "Justification of nature" Creative Union of artists of Russia "IFA", Moscow, Russia;

2005- "Sides" Tula Museum of fine arts, Tula, Russia.

2006- "Black and white" Literary – memorial Museum of F. M. Dostoevsky, St. Petersburg, Russia.

2006- "Art" Museum – estate of V. D. Polenov, Tula region, Strakhova, Russia.

2007 - "Bright Sunday" Gallery "Di-Di", Saint-Petersburg, Russia.

2007 - "connecting thread" "Glass" Gallery, St-Petersburg, Russia

Most important group exhibitions

1994 – "Form + color", Museum of contemporary art "Tsarskoselskaya collection", Pushkin, Russia; 1996- "Impressionistic cubism", contemporary art centre of George Soros, St. Petersburg, Russia.

1997 - "Impressionistic cubism," the castle, Bisdorf, Berlin, Germany;

1998 – "Malevich there and back", gallery S. P. A. S., Saint – Petersburg, Russia;

2000 - "art of St. Petersburg today," Gend, Belgium;

2001 - participant of the project "the avant-garde on the Neva", the album "Space Sterligov", Saint-Petersburg, Russia;

2001- "Fathers and sons" - tradition and modernity, the artistic Association "April 17", Museum of nonconformist art, St.-Petersburg, Pushkinskaya 10, Russia.

2006 - "Collage in Russia XX century" the State Russian Museum, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Works are in collections:

The State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia.

Literary-memorial Museum of F. M. Dostoevsky, St. Petersburg, Russia.

The Tula Museum of fine arts, Tula, Russia.

Museum of nonconformist art, St. Petersburg, Russia.

Central Museum of communications im. A. S. Popov, Saint-Petersburg, Russia.

Municipal Museum "Tsarskoye Selo collection", Pushkin, Russia.

Museum of contemporary spiritual art, the Holy Trinity Novo – Golutvin nunnery, city Kolomna, Russia.

Museum - estate of V. D. Polenov, Tula region, Strakhova, Russia.

"The Museum "Anna Akhmatova Silver Age", St. Petersburg, Russia.

Heritage centre, castle Bisdorf, Berlin, Germany;

The creative Union of Russian Artists "IFA" Saint-Petersburg, Russia.

City hall Seeheim-Jugenheim, Germany; city Hall Gross-Biberau, Germany;

Sakhalin regional art Museum, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk , Russia,

as well as in private collections in Russia and abroad.

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