Schedule. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.
1908, Kharkov – 1984, Leningrad)
Soviet painter, graphic artist, master of political caricature.
In 1920-e years worked in the studios at N.And. Kravchenko and A. A. Radakov.
Since 1926, began to participate in exhibitions and to draw cartoons for the newspaper "Leningradskaya Pravda", "Evening Leningrad", magazines "Neva", "Spark".
During the great Patriotic war, during the siege of Leningrad, "Leningrad truth" almost every day published its scathing caricatures. Hitler included the artist in the black list of personal enemies – all of them will be hanged at the Palace square at that hour, when the troops of the Wehrmacht will come into the conquered Leningrad".
After the war, Galba has worked in various Leningrad Newspapers, illustrated journals
and books, drawing posters. In 1959, in Leningrad was successfully held his solo exhibition.
The artist has produced several satirical albums, including "one Hundred smiles" (1964), "Atelier satirical service" (1968). It was published many books with his illustrations: "the Miracle tree" by K. I. Chukovsky (1944), "Knight of the burning pestle" by F. beaumont (1956),
"The taste" S. V. Mikhalkov (1966) and others.
1. Borovsky, A. D. At the hour of courage. Art by Leningrad artists during the siege. Directory // Museum. Vol. 8. Moscow. 1987. C. 5 – 58
2. Lovyagin V. A., et al. Blockade diary. Paintings and drawings besieged time. Album catalog. Saint-Petersburg. 2005. P. 58
3. Encik V. (compiler). When laughter is a weapon: caricatures and drawings made in the years of the great Patriotic war and blockade of Leningrad by Vladimir Galba. Saint-Petersburg. 2008
4. Shvedov, V. M. (compiler). Book and easel graphics of Leningrad artists. Directory. Leningrad. XLP. 1955
5. Yar-Kravchenko A. N. (by the TSA. article). Second all-Union exhibition of the artists-journalists. April-December 1975. Directory. Moscow. The Union of journalists of the USSR. 1976. P. 86
6. Minkowski A. M. (author VST. article), Teterevnikova A. N. (compiler). Vladimir Galba. Exhibition of works. Directory. Leningrad. Artist of the RSFSR. 1980