Mikhailovich Gluskin

Russia • 1899−1969

Biografia e informazioni

Painter. Graduated from Odessa HUD. Uch-school (1921). Lived and worked in Moscow, taught in the hood. schools and studios. In 1924-28 member of the hood. about-ia "Being". Portraits, genre and landscape paintings, still lifes ", the people's Commissar A.V. Lunacharsky in the Barber shop" (1922), "Return from market" (1929), "Holiday in town" (1931), "On the Oka river" (1940), "Yasnaya Polyana" (1952-53 series), "Spring in Crimea" (1963), "fruit Basket" (1965), "the minaret in the gray day" (1966), etc.

(1899, Odessa — 1965, Moscow).

Painter, a fine colourist, one of the best representatives of the Moscow school of painting, the guardian of its traditions. He studied at the Odessa art school under Kyriakos Kostandi. Since the end of 1920 he lived in Moscow. Since 1925 — founding member of the society N. O. J. and "Genesis" From 1931 party AChRs. Knowledge of many art movements of those years, in particular the new French painting, defined its commitment to the arts complex pictorial imagery. In the Manifesto of KNIFE artists have declared the end of "analytical period" in the art and described realism "not as an impersonal, Protocol image, and its re-evaluation of creative, deeply personal attitude to it". In 1950-70-ies taught at the Moscow art school on Kropotkinskaya street. Several generations of students have passed the picturesque traditions of the "Paris school" and the Russian sezannistov. His works are in the Tretyakov gallery; the state Russian Museum, regional museums of the former USSR and in private collections in Russia and abroad.

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