Ansovic Grinberg

Russia • 1888−1928

(1888.29.IX Riga – 1928.9.XII Riga)

Germanic Grinbergs in 1902 – 04, he studied in the Studio of glass-painting E. Thode, in 1904 – 08 the years in the school companies the Riga German craftsmen (draw to learn from B. Borchert) and in the Studio of decorative painting by R. Peterson. In 1908 – 10, he attended the Riga city art school. In 1910 the artist went to Munich, where in 1912 – 14 years studied decorative painting at the Jesé and worked in the workshops of decorative painting.

Since 1912 he has held a responsible position in the workshops of decorative painting A. Kishen. Participated in exhibitions of art and craftsmanship.

At the beginning of the war, Grinbergs returned to Riga, and in 1916 he moved to Moscow, where until 1919 he worked as a designer in various theaters and participated in exhibitions.

In 1919, he returned to Latvia and worked as a decorator (also painted the walls) of the premises.

In 1922, 28 years, he worked as the head of the class drawing plaster and lively figure in the Latvian Academy of arts.

G. Grinbergs was one of the founders of unity of Independent artists.

He participated in competitions and took 2nd place in the poster competition of the city of ULMA and the project of painting Nymphenburg Church, 1st place in the contest for the painting of the ceiling in the hall of the messages of the Munich house of the Police, and also in the competition of painting of the Church of Ore city won the rights for the project.


1) Māksla un arhitektūra biogrāfijās. Atb. red. A. Vilsons – Riga, 1995 – 1. sēj.

2) Siliņa J. Latvijas māksla 1915 – 1940. – Stokholma, 1988 – 1. sēj.

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