Matveyevich Dorogov

Russia • 1819−1850

To receive a systematic art education Alexander M. Dorogov was able to start only after the end of the Mining Institute in St. Petersburg. In 1841 he became volnoprihodyaschim student of the Academy of arts, where he successfully mastered under the guidance of Professor M. N. Vorobyov's landscape. In 1844, A. Dorogov academics for the painting "Orianda on the southern shore of the Crimea" receives a silver medal. In 1845 sea landscapes — small and large silver medals. In 1847, for "View of Constantinople" — a small gold medal and the title of artist of the third degree.

In the following, released A. M. Dorogova three years of earthly life, he visited the Crimea, the Caucasus, Egypt. The impressions left in a large number of drawings, studies and landscapes, mainly of marine subjects. Among the finished paintings of recent years are "On the beach", "Semibalanus castle in Constantinople, View of the seaside town of", "Into the storm", "the Appearance of a fortress Pitsunda", "Ship in storm" and is outside the bed of the inclinations of the artist the painting "Prisoners of the Caucasus mountaineers". It is clear that A. M. Dorogova not have to go to the elite of Russian artists-marine painters. Then, they are luminaries, in order to rise above the level of the numerous and generally competent craftsmen working for themselves and good of the Fatherland.

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