Birthday teacher

Nikolay Petrovich Bogdanov-Belsky • Pittura, 1920-mo , 76.5×96.5 cm
Informazioni sull'opera
Disciplina artistica: Pittura
Soggetto e oggetti: Paesaggio, Ritratto, Pittura di genere
Tecnica: Olio
Materiali: Tela
Data di creazione: 1920-mo
Dimensioni: 76.5×96.5 cm
Opera nelle compilazioni: 47 selections

Descrizione del quadro «Birthday teacher»

The artist Bogdanov-Belsky wrote a lot of landscapes, portraits and still lifes. But he is probably best known as the author of paintings devoted to children. Few painters in Russia, and all over the world, created a similar number of scenes involving the various children.

He catches them readingduring Church servicesin indecisionin front of the gate or even in the process oral accounts. "I spent many years in the village, – explained the artist. – So close was to a rural school, so often watched the peasant children, so love them for their spontaneity, giftedness, they became the heroes of my paintings".

The children loved him. Nicholas Zolnikov, teacher Ostrovenskoe schools, which often visited the painter, said: "Nikolai Petrovich Bogdanov-Belsky was the sweetest and kindest man, and clung to him. Gifts often they did. The lollipops will bring, candy, bagels bought and handed out to the kids. School our frequently painted. In many paintings and my father is depicted, he is also teacher was. In our school there were his favorite Desk, behind her the guys were drawing. Children so her name was Nikolai Petrovich Desk".

Indeed, a great many paintings Bogdanov-Belsky talk about school life and all that goes with it. Apparently, it is so warm memories from the artist about the years spent in traditional school, his Trustee and guardian angel – teacher of Racha. Special coziness permeated paintings, which reflected the relationship of children with their mentors. Two paintings Bogdanov-Belsky painting the visit of the disciples to the Executive teachers (1, 2), and three canvas captured, apparently, one of the most touched by the soul of a painter of scenes – the tea party-the teacher.

Picture Bogdanov-Belsky "Birthday teacher" is one of them. Like the other two (1, 2), it is executed in the impressionistic manner, which the artist was picked up after a visit to Paris and acquaintance with the local Impressionists. According to their custom, he appoints the protagonist sunlight. Passing through the foliage, the rays draw patterns on the faces of children, leave traces on the white festive table cloths, playing in the hair of a teacher, carefully podlivaya tea is one of their younger guests.

Natalia Azarenka