Petrovich Bogdanov-Belsky

Russia • 1868−1945

From a poor peasant family. He received his education in the national school Sourcescope in the village of Tatev. In 1884 b-b comes at the Moscow school of painting, sculpture and architecture. His teachers - artists Peredvizhniki Volnov, Valkovsky, Prjanishnikova. The theme of the truthful representation of life of the people, peasantry for a long time determined the direction of creativity b-b ("Migrants", "New owners", "News from the front", "the Sunday reading" and others). A special place in the artist takes the image of the peasant children, rural schools ("Oral account, At the door of the school", "a patient teacher", "Children in the classroom", "Novice", "crafts workshop" and others). A significant place in the heritage of the Baltic-the Baltic belongs to portrait. In 1914 b-b was elected a full member of the Russian Academy of arts. In 1921, b-b left in Latvia. Smolensk Museum has a collection of b-b Picture "Children on the fence" (beginning of XX century) presents the exhibition of the Art gallery.

Relapses and draftsman. The genus. in D. Siteki (now Olenino district), studied in a 2-class Uch-school in S. Lopotovo, then in exemplary drug. school S.A. Rachinsky in North Tetevo (now Olenino district). Painting studied in the icon-painting workshop of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, in 1884-1889 in Moscow. Uch-school of painting, sculpture and architecture, in the 1890s, in the High. feature film. Uch-school at the Academy of arts in St. Petersburg. From 1895 B. - Baltic member. T-VA Wanderers before. Society Imai Kuindzhi (1902-21)B - B. worked in St. Petersburg and Tatev, where until 1906 had a workshop in 1919-21 lived in Garusova and Ostrovno (now Udomlya district), participated in the organizations and the work of the Free state of workshops in the country, "the Seagull"B - b - participant of the I-th in the owls. Tver, exhibitions of artists Wanderers (1919). In Solids. Gubb - B. wrote picture: on the Tatev school: "Oral account. In traditional school S.A. Rachinsky" (1985, GTG), "the Sunday reading in a rural school" (1895), "The patient teacher (1897), "At the door of the school" (1897), "Work" (1903) - all in Rus. Museum of S. St. Petersburg. ; and "New owners" (1913, the Museum Conducted. Oct. socialistic. revolution, S. St. Petersburg.) and others In Solids. regional maps. Gal. "Self-portrait" (1894), "the ferry" (1915), "Summer day" (1917) and other 1921 b - B. lived in Latvia. Lit.: NP Bogdanov-Belsky, Album, M - L., 1962; Katz LI, Artists in our region, M, 1983; J. Smith, Region inspiration, Leningrad, 1986.

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