Mikhailovich Zykov

Russia • 1931−2013

Schedule. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.
Honored artist of Transnistria.

Born on 11 March 1931 in Leningrad.
In 1949-58, gg studied at the Republican art school Kishinev and at the Polygraphic Institute in Moscow.
Worked in the field of drawing, painting, restoration, prototyping, props.
In 1954-58 G. G. worked as an artist in the Republican newspaper "Moldova Socialista".
1954 the Beginning of exhibition activities. The participant of Republican, all-Union and international exhibitions.
Since 1958 – member of the artists Union of the USSR.
From 1959 on behalf of the Ministry of culture of the MSSR took an active part in creating in the art gallery, Museum, art school, workshops of the Art Fund, the restoration of the theater, the organization of the society of artists of the city.
Since 1994 – member of Union of artists of Transnistria.
Since 1996 – member of Union of artists of Republic of Moldova. 1958 – the beginning of many years of work in local lore and historical museums of the Republic (the historical murals and paintings, dioramas, models, models).
Since 1998 he worked at the scientific-research laboratory "Archaeology" of the Pridnestrovian state University named after T. G. Shevchenko, an artist and expert restorer of the highest category.
Recently collaborated with salons and private art galleries.

Died 27 may 2013. Buried in Tiraspol.

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