Semenovich Kurlyantsev


Biografia e informazioni

Stepan Semenovich (according to other sources — p.) Kurlyandtsev was the foreign student of the Academy of arts at the age of about thirty years.

(Recall that in addition to the regular students of the Academy — pupils, students, academics in the late XVIII — early XX centuries in the Academy there categories of students is staffing. This is primarily an auditor and foreign students — thanks to the number involved in the visual arts greatly increased. While foreign students in contrast to the film Academy was a scientific course of study and in obtaining a large gold medal had the right to the title of the artist and a trip abroad at the expense of the Cabinet of his Imperial Majesty or the society for the encouragement of arts.)

At the Academy SS kurlyandtsev worked under the guidance of Professor G. I. Ugryumova, known for his historical works of the painter. In 1800 a foreign student received a small silver medal, for the next year is a big one. In 1802, S. S. Kurlyandtsev awarded the title of "appointed" in academics, and in 1803 for the paintings "the Suffering Savior" and "Tancred, fighting by argante, during travel of Herminia, and Fastin somewithout him" the artist is rewarded with the title of academician.