Evgenievich Lansere

Russia • 1879−1942

Student of the Academy of arts from 1898 6 Sep 1904 – the title of artist-architect for the project: "the Palace of the Viceroy of His Imperial Majesty in the far East".


Architect, artist, architectural historian. The son of the sculptor Lanceray Yevgeny Alexandrovich.

In 1898-1904 he studied at the architectural Department of the Higher art school of the Imperial Academy of arts (December 1901 – in the workshop of uncle Leo. Benoit). Designed in different historical styles, art Nouveau. Worked on interiors, and design art exhibitions in St. Petersburg. Designed monuments, industrial buildings.

In 1918-1922 he lived with his family in Anapa and Nakhichevan-on-don. Since 1922 - in Petrograd, where he worked in the style of neo-classicism and constructivism. The author of the competitive project of a monument-lighthouse of H. Columbus in Santo Domingo (1928-1929).

Master of book graphics, the graphics of small forms; the author of the watercolor series dedicated to Leningrad and its suburbs (Gatchina, 1924; Pushkin, 1926; Peterhof, 1929).

Author of studies on the history of Russian architecture, restorer, a Museum worker (participated in the organization of the Museum of the "Commission for the study of the old St. Petersburg"; in the 1920s – the Keeper of the Historical and household Department of the Russian Museum).

In 1931-1935, he worked in Special engineering and design Department (oktb-12). Arrested again in 1938.

He taught from 1908: head of the architectural Department of the Higher art school of decorative arts (now the Supreme art.-prom. Uch-school them. V. I. Mukhina), faculty of watercolor painting at the graphic Department of the Leningrad Vhuteina (Professor of painting from 1927).

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