Samoilovich Lemberskiy

Russia • 1913−1970

1913 – born on November 11, Lublin, Poland. Father Samuel lemberski, mathematician. Mother Chaya pearl, the pianist, pupil of Franz Liszt.

1914 – at the beginning of the First world war Lemberski move to Berdichev. Father taught mathematics, mother – music and foreign languages.

1925 – 1930 – Felix Lembersky enjoys math, drawing and theatre. He teaches painting and drawing. Working as an artist-decorator in the club of Berdichev. Lemberski friends with the family of Vasily Grossman.

1927 – 1930 – attends the art school founded by Kulturliga in Kiev. Meets with the masters of Jewish culture and also avant-garde art.

1930 – 1933 – working theater artist in the Kiev drama theatre.

1933 – 1935 – student of the Kiev art Institute (workshop of Paul Volokidin). Isaac Brodsky, the rector of the Leningrad Academy of arts, invites Imbersago to study at the Academy.

1935 – the Academy of fine arts (faculty of painting, workshop of Boris Ioganson). Teachers: N. N. Punin, A. E. Karev, M. D. Bernstein, And A. D. Zaitsev. Visits the Studio of Pavel Filonov.

Met with Lucy, Keiserman (1915 – 1994), future wife. She worked at the Academy of arts in the Department of personnel and Secretary in the Directorate. He was Secretary of Isaak Brodsky. During the great Patriotic war from June to September

1941 was part of the management team MoEHE Russian Academy of arts.

1938 – Felix Lembersky goes with B. Ioganson in Nizhniy Tagil (Ural) to collect materials for the thesis work.

1941 – wounded on the defensive works near Leningrad. In October, resumed classes at the Academy; in December 1941 the siege of Leningrad is a graduation session, Lembersky protects diploma "Strike at the Urals plant", awarded red diploma. Parents are killed in the Nazi occupation in Berdichev.

1942 – 1944 – evacuated to Sverdlovsk. Adopted in Sverdlovsk branch of the Union of workers of culture (head of Pavel Bazhov). Sent in Nizhny Tagil on the instructions of the Sverdlovsk regional Committee.

Working on industrial landscapes and portraits of workers. Creates portraits of Pavel Bazhov, conductor Nathan Rachlin, actress Hope komorowska, writer Alexei Novikov-Surf. Communicate with Marietta Shaginyan, Dmitry Shostakovich, Nadezhda Komarovskaya, Bella Dizhur, by Joseph and Ernst Unknown, artists Bronislavas, Gershoig, Basil Far, Mikhail Deregus, Mikhail Distergeft.

For the first time in Nizhny Tagil, organizes branch of the Union of artists and an art Studio. Becoming a Creator and Director of the regional art gallery, now the Nizhny Tagil state Museum of fine arts.

1944 – returned to Leningrad. On the advice of Boris Johanson arrives at the Academy of fine arts, where he wrote a paper on the life of the miners of the Urals in wartime ("the Oath" or "Vysokogorsky").

1944 – 1945 – works as a theatre artist, draws up a play "a month in the country" for the Leningrad New theatre.

1944 – enters the Leningrad branch of the Union of Soviet artists (LOSSKH). Gets workshop at the Eighth Soviet St out of graduate school. Married Lucy, Kaiserman.

1946 – 1947 – teaches at the art school (later the Leningrad art College. V. A. Serov). Recorded in his Studio.

1944 – 1954, working on the portraits of workers of the plant. Voskova and on a custom paintings, directs the group project, the triptych "Julius Fucik" (in collaboration with artists Alexander Dashkevich and Nikolai Brandt).

1956 – 1957 – trip to Novgorod, Pskov (series "memories of Moscow"). Working on the series "the First message. Revolution."

1950 – 1960s – active member of the Union of artists, discussions and exhibitions on the "Decade of arts".

1958 – year-old creative business trip in Nizhniy Tagil (with artists Alex Komarov and meta Greifeld). Living in the family of Basil the artist Far.

1959 – 1963 – working on custom paintings on the theme "railway pointer" and "Gornoye" (oil, watercolor, drawings).

1959 – 1964 – visits in summer, Staraya Ladoga, where he works on landscapes

1960 – solo exhibition at the Losh (together with sculptor M. A. Wyman).

1960s – organizes two informal exhibitions of artists.

Lembersky prepares group "Exhibition of Seven", directory article written by art historian T. Manturova was ready, the exhibition was not open. Among the artists: I. N. Zisman, M. Gershow, M. A. Wyman, and others.

1961 – 1962 – directs the art Studio Palace of culture of the regional Committee of trade unions.

1963 – workshop Imbersago visited by a Commission from Moscow headed by Vladimir Serov on compliance orders. Serov announces creativity Imbersago "formalism", raises the issue of exclusion Imbersago of the Leningrad Union of artists.

1964 – 1966 – teaches drawing and painting at LISI (Leningrad engineering-construction Institute).

Credited artist in the Works of pictorial and decorative art Leningrad branch of the Art Fund of the RSFSR.

1965 – 1966 – art trip to Riga, Latvia. Creates a series of graphic works (location unknown).

1970 – F. S. Lembersky died 2 Dec. In Losh held a memorial service and the posthumous solo exhibition.

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