Maksimovich Melnikov

Russia • 1916−1996

Painter. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

Born in 1916 in the village of Mercury Moscow province.

The participant of the great Patriotic war in the paratroopers, was awarded numerous medals and awards, including the order of Patriotic war I degree.

In 1946-1952 he studied at the Moscow city art Studio for disabled world war. Studied at Dobroserdova M., Zeitlin, S. Tutunov, I. Gorcica; consulted by p. P. Konchalovsky, and V. K. Byalynitsky-Birula.

Since 1969 - member of the artists Union of the USSR and Russia, participant of numerous exhibitions.

Throughout his career he would travel to visit artists in Gurzuf, Hot Key, and the Academic dacha at Vyshny Volochek.

In 1993 the works of N. M. Melnikova were sold at four auctions in Paris, including the auction of the hotel Druot.

Permanent exhibition of works of the artist acts in one of the private galleries in new York with the personal commitment of the Governor of this state.

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