Nikolaevich Mokritsky

Russia • 1810−1870

To be one of the closest disciples of Karl Brullov and not to write beautiful paintings, apparently impossible. That's the beauty of the Italian style distinguishes most of the paintings of the painter, the last good art training under A. G. Venetsianov (1832) and the Academy of arts "Charles the Great" (1836-1839). During the training period, the Academy received medals in 1835 - 2 silver for "Portrait of Mrs. Pouzhino"; in 1836 - 2 silver; in 1838 - 1 silver for the painting "SV. Sevastian" and a portrait of the academician of Epinger; in 1839 - 2 gold for the program "the Roman woman breast-feeding her father in prison". By the end of the Academy Apollon Mokritsky — a skilled portraitist, which gets a lot of orders, earning not only on life but on a trip to Italy (1841-1849). His Italian portraits and landscapes willingly sold out, becoming over time a desirable exhibits of many museums of Russia. On his return from Italy A. N. Mokritsky wrote "Portrait of Bishop Nicanor, Metropolitan of Novgorod and St. Petersburg" (1849), for which he received the title of academician. Since 1851, the artist works as a teacher of the Moscow school of painting and sculpture. His academic career very successful. His students — V. G. Perov, I. I. Shishkin, I. M. Pryanishnikov became the first painters of Russia. His course aesthetics, readable in two schools in Moscow (painting, sculpture and architecture and Stroganov), frequented by many artists and fans. Finally, his journals and memories of A. Venetsianov and his school, K. Brullov and still are of exceptional interest.

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