Borisovich Suvorov

Russia • nato a 1947

Born in 1947 in Moscow.

He graduated from the workshop of the poster of the Moscow state art Institute. V. I. Surikov (1975). Studied at N.. Ponomareva, M. O. Savostyuka.

Working in the social and political poster. Participates in Republican and all-Union art exhibitions. Also engaged in easel graphics.

Member of USSR Union of artists since 1977.

Major works: "Moscow — the capital of the Olympiad-80" (1975), "Iskra" (1975), "Freedom to Chile!" (1976), "Decisions XXV Congress of the Communist party — run!" (1977), "In the name of peace and progress!" (1978).

He was born 29 Jan 1947 in Moscow.

1960-1966 - Studied at the Moscow secondary art school.

1975 - Graduated from the graphic faculty of the Moscow state art Institute. V. I. Surikov (mgahi now. V. I. Surikov).

1977 - Member of Union of artists (since 1993 - Moscow Union of artists), works in easel graphics and engraving gravure.

1995 - conducted a workshop of etching at mgahi. V. I. Surikov, Professor.

1997 - Awarded the gold medal of the Russian Academy of arts.

2003 - laureate of the State prize of the Russian Federation in literature and art.

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