Born may 25, 1935 in Novousmansky district of Voronezh region. In 1946, father Vladimir Tatarinov was appointed Director of the Museum "Lenin hills" and settled there with his family.
Once in the Museum on a tour here a group of students mshsh along with school Professor Molchanov K. L., who, seeing the works of Vladimir Tatarinov, invited him to enter the Moscow secondary Art School.In 1950, after finishing 7 classes, he passed a big competition (25 people), was adopted from 4th grade.
In mshsh Vladimir Tatarinov studied together with B. by Diodorova, Y. Chernov, N. By weglowym and other talented guys who have become today's most famous artists. The study gave the opportunity to gain skills, perfecting the technique of painting and drawing from the position of classical academic school, which brought Vladimir Tatarinov in the ranks of the most talented and promising graduates. After mshsh, despite the dissatisfaction of parents, Vladimir goes to the Art Institute named after Surikov, where improving your drawing and painting workshops Gleb Smirnov and Ivan Orlov. 3 course Vladimir Tatarinov moves into the workshop of Petr Petrovich Sokolov-Rock, the study which coincided with the beginning of the "Khrushchev thaw".
"Surikovka", as well as throughout the country began "fermentation of minds", the shock of previously classified information. The students were exposed to the works of the Impressionists, the works of Modigliani, which drew their new figurative language. They began to feel that the "academism", cultivated in the Institute close to them. Succumbed to these sentiments and Tatarinov. Moreover, he began to use a new pictorial language in their academic works, which caused the IRE of the Orthodox-minded teachers and administration. After a series of scandals and "showdown" with the teachers"academics" V. Tatarinov has been deleted from the Surikov Institute. Neither the rector Modorov, nor Sokolov-Scalia and couldn't imagine that punishing so talented a student, expelled him not only from the Institute but also from painting.
After leaving "Surikovka" V. Tatarinov put brush and paint and I do not take them in hand. Your school and College work, he removed and did not get more than thirty years. Friends at school and College, thinking it was one of the most talented young artists, was very worried about him. But the decision of Mr was maybe mistaken, but, unfortunately, uncompromising. Since childhood, passionate about both painting and appliances (while still in art school, he passed the exams on the rights of the motorist, and the Institute received the right professional), Vladimir Tatarinov became an apprentice Turner at the Plant of Automotive and tractor Electrical equipment, where he works to this day. At the plant he worked his way from apprentice to Turner-universal of the highest class. Possessing a natural gift of spatial thinking artist, V. Tatarinov revealed as the master, and trusted manufacturing of parts, where necessary in the course of various operations are constantly present them with a final and he does it brilliantly. One of the most talented representatives of creative youth of the fifties, whose fate has been broken, entering in conflict with the "official organ" of the so-called "socialist realism" today attracts many people, collectors and art lovers. The work of Vladimir Tatarinov reopen.
Forgotten for 40 years, he revealed in our time, with its unexpected take on the traditional interpretation of the painting. For the first time, in full, the viewer can evaluate the works of a very talented person.