Vladimirovna Khlebnikova

Russia • 1891−1941

Biografia e informazioni

Painter, graphic artist. Sister Of V. Khlebnikov. He studied in the Studio of K. Yuon and I. Dudin in Moscow in 1910 at the Drawing school in St. Petersburg from Ya Zielinskiego. Since 1912, the participant of exhibitions. In 1919, the Exhibitor about-ia "Community of artists" (Astrakhan). In the 1920s she lived in Astrakhan, worked in the political education taught in school. Later in Moscow. From 1924 wife of P. Miturich. Landscapes (including Crimea", 1939), still lifes, vol. graphics.

(1891, p. Conducive Astrakhan province – 1941, Moscow)

Painter, graphic artist, Illustrator. The sister of the poet Velimir Khlebnikov, the wife of artist Peter Miturich, the mother of the academician of the Russian Academy of arts, May Miturich-Khlebnikov. Studied painting under the guidance of the home teacher, and then in Kazan and Kiev art schools. In 1910, attended the private Studio of K. Yuon, then the Studio Tsionglinskogo in St. Petersburg. In 1912 Khlebnikov entered the Academy Witte in Paris, following three years spent in Italy, copying in museums, creating landscapes and portraits.

In 1916 Khlebnikov returned to Astrakhan already established artist.

Bright, original master, the owner of the "gift of color", Khlebnikov is known primarily as the author of illustrations (drawings and watercolors) to the works of his famous brother – drama "Sysini", poems "Vila and the Goblin", "the Shaman and Venus," "Wild melancholy". In 1925, Khlebnikov took part in the exhibition of the group "United arts" ("OBIS"). In 1936 he presented a series of illustrations for the libretto of the Opera "Duma about Opanas" in E. Bagrickogo at the exhibition "Vsekohudozhnik".

In the thirties a lot of work in the genre of realistic landscape, portraits and still lifes. A severe illness overtook the artist in the Prime of his creative maturity. Solo exhibition Khlebnikov was held in 1969 at the experimental etching Studio of a name of I. I. Nivinsky. Works of the artist are kept in the collections of the state Russian Museum, Museum of fine arts. A. S. Pushkin, the Astrakhan picture gallery, the House-Museum of Velimir Khlebnikov (opened in 1993 in Astrakhan).

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