Sergeevich Chugunov

Russia • nato a 1940

Biografia e informazioni

Born in 1940 in the village Regimental Ryazan district of Ryazan region. He studied at the Ryazan art College (1962-1968), the Leningrad higher art - industrial school im. V. I. Mukhina (1969-1974) K. L. Johanson, G. A. Savinov. A member of the artists Union of the USSR since 1982. Muralist, painter. Author of thematic compositions, portraits, landscapes, still lifes. Designed the interiors and exteriors of many public buildings (mosaic, painting, stained glass). Taught at city art Studio at club Tyumen battery plant (from 1975 to 1982). Participant of city, regional, Republican, all-Union exhibitions. Personal exhibitions: 1990 (Tyumen, TMII), 2000 (Tyumen, TMII), 2000 (Tyumen, gallery "Artesian well"). Works are in private collections in Russia, USA. Lives in Tyumen.