Нигаматович Latfullin

Russia • nato a 1947

Lit.: Chelyabinsk: encyclopedia / comp.: V. S. Oh, V. A. Chernozema. - Chelyabinsk, 2001. - S. 461; Calendar of memorable dates. Chelyabinsk oblast, 1997 / sost. I. N. Perezhogin. - Chelyabinsk, 1996. - P. 68 - 70.

(R. 13.05.1947, Chelyabinsk), painter, graphic artist, draftsman, watercolorist, printmaker, member. CX (1984), member.of the Board of CASH VI. CHOOCH (2001). He attended art classes R. A. Pavlova at the Palace of culture of railwaymen, the Studio with the SA. In 1979 he graduated from the Leningrad. the highest of arts.-prom. Uch-school them. V. I. Mukhina (Department of monument. painting). Of the teachers of the special role played by prof G. A. Savinov. After returning to Person. L. participated in the region and youth exhibitions. Painter Alexander Smirnov called the young artist with his fantastic. the symbolism of the Bashkir Chagall. Creative thinking and the plastic lang. art L. Rus is also close. icons, frescoes, mosaics, miniature book of East, the color space of Matisse. In 1981 L. carried out the painting of the children's club on street Komarova, made the mosaic on the facade of tat.-back. libraries on tsvillinga (see the Library of the Bashkir and Tatar literature); in 1986 –mosaic on the facade of the school. Yuri Gagarin in Kyshtym, in 1988 – the mosaic on the facade of the school in the village of Dubrovka People. region; in 1987 the painting “the square of the fallen revolutionaries” in the professional development of teachers; in 1992, the mosaics in the dining area vocational-65; in 1996 – the beginning of a mural in graffiti technique with the sketch of L. on the building USACR (unfinished). Proizv. L., Executive. in various techniques on paper, canvas, cardboard and ARB boards, written and carved, creating a single world culture. Action-L. in is a unique fusion of ancient NAT. traditions and modern. of arts. vision. L. actively participates in resp., region., . exhibitions. In 1992 at the art gallery hosted the people. exhibition of the artist. In 1992 participated in the creation of creative. Association “Tradition.” On the initiative of L. the revived youth Association at CHOOCH, tradition exhibitions. In 1997 took place people. exhibition of Leningrad in the Exhibition hall of the artists Union of Russia, dedicated. 50-th anniversary from birthday. 2000 – exhibition of paintings and drawings at the art Gallery. Proizv. L. presented in the Magnitogorsk cards. Gal., Gal. Adv. art “Esther” (Yekaterinburg), Yekaterinburg Museum will depict. arts. Large collection prod. L. is in the collection of COCG.

G. S. Trifonova

Lit.: Zaynula, Latfullin: Painting, drawing, engraving, monument.-dekorativ. art: Cat. CA. / AVT.-comp.G. S. Trifonov. H, 1992; Tradition: Cat. [first] show. paintings art. about-ing / Ed.-comp. G. S. Trifonova. H, 1993; Tr I f o n o V and G. the World is bright. Z. Latfullin as a spiritual passionary // CHR. 1997. 20 may; B o n d a R s L. on a hunch... // Autograph. Chelyabinsk Art. 2000. No. 4; Zinola, Latfullin: Painting. Graphics: Cat. CA. / Ed. article A. V. Shipitsyn. H, 2001

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