Ivanovich Serebryakov

Russia • 1748−1818

The son of a drummer. A graduate of the Academy of Arts from 1761 till 1770 Received medals: in 1763 - 2 silver; in 1765 - 2 silver; in 1766 - 1 silver; in 1770 - 2 gold for the program "in the stone hill group of cavalry commander General, when the cornet with a banner with the image of one of the Russian coat of arms two, one hussar and one of the Cossack commanders, receiving his orders; on the one hand that the hill in the distance scattered the Turk, and the other sow a field with a river and the add on caravan court and merchant, calmly and with joy sending their trades"; at the same time was issued the diploma of 1 degree and a sword. In 1774 - "appointed" for the painting "Battle cavalry"; in 1775 defined in class painting of battles; in 1779, academician at the image "of the Former in 1769 under Hominim some Turkish corps denials under the command of Gen. Kamensko"; in 1785, dismissed from the staff of the Academy. (Kondakov)

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