Fulgentievich Okushko

Russia • 1862−1919

Biografia e informazioni

Born in the city now Oshmyany Grodno region of Belarus. There he spent his childhood and teenage years. School of professional skill, he in 1886 was held in St.-Petersburg Academy of arts from famous artists - p. P. Chistyakov and F. A. Rubo.

In 1897 comes to Chisinau at the invitation of the city Council and management of public schools and works as a teacher and Director of the drawing school. He had to make every effort to make the school stronger, gained universal acceptance and popularity. Increased number of students. If in 1897 there were 17 people entered in 1907 - 235. Mr Fulgentii was demanding, considerate, attentive teacher and one of the favorite students of teachers. Constantly brought something new, creative, interesting in the learning process. In 1901, the school on his initiative was established the educational-methodical Museum, where are kept and exhibited student work, accumulated rich teaching material; simultaneously has a library on art.

From the school have subsequently recognized master P. Shillingovsky - graphic artist and painter, Professor of the Academy of arts, A. Plamadeala - sculptor, a pupil of the Moscow school of painting and sculpture and architecture; A. brazer - the honored worker of arts of Belarus, a former Director of the Minsk art College; Nesterov - teacher at the Odessa art Institute, the former for many years President of the Union of artists of Odessa; P. Waxman is a sculptor who graduated from the Academy of fine arts in Paris.

Mr Fulgentii attached great importance to the aesthetic education of the population and in its report to the town Council in 1907, proposed the establishment of a Museum of Art and the construction of the building for him.

In 1918 V. F. Okushko has made the program-the project of transformation of the drawing school at the art school, the first Director of which was A. Plamadeala.

Mr Fulgentius was a member of the Bessarabian Society of fine arts, participant of exhibitions.

A talented painter, representative of the realistic school, he subtly and poetically recreated in his landscapes and genre paintings of the natural beauty of Moldova, the majestic simplicity of peasant labor. The small sized canvases of the artist bribed sincerity and high professionalism.

One of the most significant works of the artist - "Plowing" (1896). It depicts a farmer, poganski and oxen in the background a hilly landscape, illuminated by the sun. Racing clouds on a light blue sky, the steady advance of animals, layers of plowed land, going the distance, subtly conveys the combination of tone and colors create a feeling of spring awakening of life.

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