Vladimirovich Luce

Russia • nato a 1903

Biografia e informazioni

Artist and filmmaker People. drama (1944-56). Graduated from the cadet corps, Academy of arts; was a pupil of Vsevolod Meyerhold, one of the first Directors of the plays by Gorky, in dramatic. theatre (St. Petersburg), the first choreographer of “the Bug” by V. Mayakovsky in St. Petersburg. dramatic. theatre. L. was a talented man, encyclopedic. knowledge. It is understood D. M. Mansky, who met with him in the hospital and had invited him in Person. The first work of L. in Person. was the play “and will be” by Konstantin Simonov, a rum he acted as Director and artist. In just 12 years of work in Person. L. set of 42 performance. He was extremely able-bodied, worked passionately and selflessly. Among his best performances of “the Marriage of Belugina” by Alexander Ostrovsky; “Zykov”, “Philistines” by M. Gorky; “the Masquerade” by M. Lermontov, “a month in the country” by I. Turgenev and “the Living corpse” by L. Tolstoy; “Auditor” “Dead souls” N. Gogol; “Uncle Vanya”, “the Cherry orchard” by A. Chekhov. L. had the reputation of the Director, formalistic. warehouse, but in Person. he staged performances in Mat style, with a delicate and detailed design of images. Directing L.– vivid., deep, Express. at drama school. yaz. fell perfume company, a swarm has already developed its own creative. the handwriting of home theater, psychology., reliable and, above all, acting. L. was a fine artist, in Person. he designed the 9 performances. Wrote reviews of performances by guest artists, performances, circus programs.

the author T. V. Palagina)

Lit.: M I l C e R d V. Actors and roles // the Chelyabinsk drama theatre of S. M. tsvillinga. H, 1983; B o R V. Applause, or loved ones. Vol. 1. H, 1994; O n E. W a Disciple of Meyerhold // CHR. 1994. March 26; n W, E. Luce Vladimir Vladimirovich // Calendar of memorable dates, 1998. Chelyabinsk oblast. H, 1998.

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