Filippovich Kokorinov

Russia • 1726−1772

Student count Rastrelli. In 1758 of "non-architects" was granted to the architects of the Academy of arts; in 1760 – inspector; in 1761 he was given the Directorate over the Academy; in 1763 he commanded the "to be continued looking around the academic building"; 1764 corrected case and in the "expedition of the structure of the academic buildings"; in 1765 Professor of architecture; in 1767 was elected to associate rectors; in 1769 made by the rector. Builder of the Academy of fine arts (together with Delamott).


Adopted, in 1742, to serve in the Moscow Palace office "of arhitecturii disciple"; in 1754 was promoted to non-commissioned architects and acted as assistants to the count Rastrelli . This time refers to the convergence of he graduated from I. I. Shuvalov , for whom he built a splendid house in Petersburg (now Ministry of justice). Shuvalov on the establishment of the Academy of Arts, did he graduated from his closest collaborator on its installation and management. In 1760 Kokorinov was appointed inspector, then Director of the Academy, with almost unlimited power. Using the trust of the successor Shuvalov, Betskoy , Kokorinov brought order in the classroom Academy and in all parts of its economy, provided the benefits necessary for its proper development, and provoked interest not only in the highest circle, but in the middle layers of Russian society. In 1764, he embarked on the construction of the Academy building according to the plan V. de La Mothe, the idea of some of the pieces composed by him personally. From 1769 he was rector of the Academy. Influenced by rise against Kokorin intrigue, Betskoy had ceased to treat him with the same trust and appointed several committees to check the provisions of the commercial Affairs of the Academy, especially the costs for the construction of academic buildings. The auditors found the orders he graduated from nothing improper or irregular, except for some negligence on the formal side, in account management, but Kokorinov began to reflect, ramble, and in a fit of melancholy hung himself in the attic of his house.

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