Nikolaevich Bakutsky

Russia • 1913−1978

[6(19).I.1913 - 1978] B. in the city of Gomel, Mogilev province, he studied at the Vitebsk art College (1929-1932) and at the Moscow Institute of art (1932 - 1936) A. A. Deineka and Y. K. Istomin. Participant of exhibitions since 1939. Wrote portrait of the artist E. F. Filatova, a self-portrait painting "Always with us" (1945, Kursk picture gallery. A. A. Deineka), has executed a number of sculptural portraits: "Karl Marx" (1953), "V. I. Lenin" (1957), "General N. F. Vatutin" (1963). He is the author of a number of the tombstones. He died and was buried in Kursk.

(the author - L. I. Kartavtseva)

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