Semenovich Prutsky

Russia • 1901−1977

Schedule. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

A native of Upper Ufaley, who lived in Chelyabinsk in 1941-1954, 1960-1977. Lit.: Chelyabinsk: encyclopedia. - Ed. Rev. and extra - Chelyabinsk, 2001. - S. 696; Chelyabinsk organisation of the Union of artists of Russia, 1936-1991: a Handbook / ed.-comp. O. A. Kudzaev. - Chelyabinsk, 1996. - P. 69 - 73.

(7.06.1901, Verkhniy Ufaley – 14.03.1977, Chelyabinsk), member. CX USSR (1932). 1912 in Yekaterinburg, studied Fig. and the carvings in the wood shop at the arts. school, graduating from the to-Rui with honors, qualified painter and masters of carving. 18 years old ed. Fig., publ. in Newspapers and magazines. In 1919-21, the school teacher, 2-tier Top. Ufaley; organizer, Director, artist and actor at the youth drama club. In 1922 drafted into the red army, the political Department of the Ural. military. the County sent to study in Yekaterinburg sculpt.-tech. College, where he studied for about 3 years, have shown exceptional ability in creating the sculpt. compositions of clay, wood, marble. Not having completed the course, in 1924 he entered the Leningrad. OH, where in tech. one year passed the exam for 2 courses. She studied at D. Mitrokhin and V. Konashevich. In the 30-ies. on the recommendation of the last taught in prepare. classes AH, collaborated with the ed-tion as a portrait-painter, portraitist, Illustrator. In 1941-47 he lived and worked in Person. Ed. number of polit. posters, sculpt. compositions on the theme of Civil war and locomotive history. and Led. Otech. wars, one of the founders of arts. Association “Fighting pencil”. In 1947-54 – in Moscow, worked in t-ve “Moscow chart”. For Izd-VA “Art” created lithographically on a large series of portraits of writers, scientists, ist. figures, among which: A. S. Pushkin, M. Y. Lermontov, L. N. Tolstoy, N. V. Gogol, A. V. Suvorov, M. I. Kutuzov, N. Copernicus,Darwin. The work of these widely-known books of literature, history and reproductions of postcards published for mass circulation. In the works. “Pushkin” pen, “Lermontov in the Caucasus”, etc. displayed the best traditions of classical. portrait of Leningrad. graphic. school – plasticity. completeness and mental. the interpretation of the image. P. party of mn. region, zones., Rep., proceedings of all-Union., mobile arts. exhibitions, among which: the 1st exhibition of Leningrad. artists in Rus. Museum (1935), the exhibition “Soviet graphics”, organized by the society of a cult. relations of the USSR in Gal. Bloomsbury (London, 1938). In 1954, at the invitation of JOSH P. came in Person., where it remained until the last days of life. Here in 1977 was held people. exhibition of the artist. Proizv. P. represented in the collections of museums in the country, including in the state Tretyakov gallery, State. Rus. the Museum, the Museum-reserve in St. Michael, COCH etc. the location of the mn. P. works, including the skin. in the siege of Leningrad is unknown.

(author: L. A. Sabelfeld)

Lit.: Near Recent exhibition of the artist // CHR. 1977. 17 APR.; Exhibition of works by Alexander Semenovich Prucka: Graphics: Cat. H, 1978; L. P. Buy-In Artists Of Chelyabinsk. H, 1979; P. Fominykh Romantic revolution // P. Fominykh About friends and comrades: Zap. sculptor. H, 1988; L. A. Sabelfeld Prucka Alexander S. // Calendar of memorable dates, 1996. Chelyabinsk oblast. H, 1995.

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