Valentinovich Efremov

Russia • nato a 1963

Biografia e informazioni

Born in 1963 in Sverdlovsk. In 1983 he graduated from the picturesque pedagogical Department of the Sverdlovsk art College. In 1991 the Department of arts, Ural state University

(Ekaterinburg). Since 1991 working in the Studio "Artefaktum" in the Museum design, interior design. Prefers easel painting (genre, landscape, portrait, still life). Loves to write urban landscapes. A permanent participant of city and regional art exhibitions. The artist's paintings are in the permanent collections of the museums of Yekaterinburg, Pyshma, Alapaevsk and other cities of the Ural region, as well as in private collections in Russia and abroad. A large collection of paintings acquired “the Ural Bank for reconstruction and development” (Ekaterinburg). Actively participates in exhibitions and art projects art OnlineArt gallery (Ekaterinburg, Russia) since 2002.

In 1978 graduated from the art school №1 Sverdlovsk

In 1983 he graduated from the Sverdlovsk art College.

From 1983 to 1991 he taught in EVERY art school №4.

In 1991 graduated from Urals State University (faculty of arts).

Since 1991 he is a member of the creative team "Artefaktum" (the creation of Museum exhibitions)

In the "Artefaktum" took part in the creation of more than 60 museums and exhibitions in Ekaterinburg and Sverdlovsk region, Yamal, Yugra, Taimyr, Udmurt Republic, Tatarstan and other regions.

In 2006 joined the Union of artists of Russia.

Since 1998 actively involved in exhibition activities as a painter.

The basis for creativity is the theme of the "Old city" (more than 300 paintings, made on the streets of Yekaterinburg)

Since 2000 popular annual publication calendars, postcards, etc. with reproductions of the author.

In the archive of the artist for nearly 20 solo exhibitions and participated in numerous group exhibitions, including urban, regional and regional.

Constant travel (Crimea, Siberia, the North, Balaam, Montenegro, Italy etc.) are very expanded in recent years, the subject content of the painting, Ephraim.

In 2008 he published the album of the artist "A. Efremov. Painting" (awarded the diploma of laureate in the nomination "the Best album of Yekaterinburg")

Since 2008, the artist working on the graphic series "a City which has no", which is a unique chronicle of the passing of Yekaterinburg.

In 2010 he was awarded the diploma of Laureate of the prize of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk region "For outstanding achievements in the field of culture and art" for painting and graphic cycle "Far and near"

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