Ivanovich Klyagin

Russia • nato a 1955

Biografia e informazioni

Painter. B. October 14, 1955 in the village of the Orel region. Studenckie Graduated from Orel art school (1971-75) and hhpi (1975-80), where he studied with A. Kaphuka, E. Garzacocha, V. Sizikova, B. Kolesnik, A. Scherbak. HO member of the CFS since 1993. Participant in international and foreign exhibitions since 1980. Working in a creative workshop.

Born October 14, 1955 in the city Studenckie Orel region (Russia).

Graduated from Orel art school (1971-1975), where he studied with M. G. Nikiforov, A. Khramtsova, N. Rymshina.

He graduated from the Kharkov art-industrial Institute (1975-1980), where he studied with O. Kapshuk, E. Garzacocha, V. Sizikova, B. Kolesnik, A. Scherbak, B. Kosarev.

Member of the Kharkov branch of the National Union of artists since 1993.

Lecturer at Kharkiv Academy of design and arts.

The main genres of paintings – landscape, portrait.

Working in a creative workshop.

Participant of regional, all-Ukrainian, international exhibitions.

Works of Nikolai klyagina are in private collections in Ukraine, Russia, Poland, Vengrii, Germany and other countries.