Aleksandrovich Asinovsky

Russia • nato a 1980

Biografia e informazioni

Thesis in the CVC - "Bering" rating - excellent. The training took place at the sculpture faculty. Qualification of artist-sculptor.

Born in Leningrad in the family of philologists. In 1995 she entered the secondary art school named after on the recommendation of V. I. Bazhenov. He graduated from the sculpture class under the guidance of V. P. Antonenko in 1999

In the same 1999, he entered the Institute of painting ,sculpture under the guidance of a member of the Academy of fine Arts Professor B. A. Plenkin to 2003 and from 2003 to present under the guidance of a member of the Academy of fine Arts Professor A. S. Charkin.

In 2002-2004 he taught at Children's art school №12 of the Nevsky district of St. Petersburg.

In 2004, she held two solo exhibitions. The first exhibition was held in the branch of the State Russian Museum "Tea house". The second – in Diaghilev Center, St. Petersburg State University.In 2003-2004 he participated in exhibitions of the Union of Artists, Central exhibition hall "Manege".

Work asinovskii, I. A., are in private collections in Saint-Petersburg, Moscow, Amsterdam, Gottingen, Stockholm and Seattle.