Petrovna Bogdanova

Russia • 1925−2010

Biografia e informazioni

Serafima Petrovna Bogdanov
Artist painting on porcelain.

She was born may 25, 1925 in the village of Sangkapura Udmurt ASSR.
The war years were spent in the town of Vereshchagino, Perm region.
1945 -1953 studied at the Department of ceramics and glass industrial art to them. V. I. Mukhina.
Thesis was dedicated to the 250th anniversary of Leningrad.

1953 -2010 worked at the Leningrad porcelain factory
them.M.In.University (2005 - Imperial porcelain factory).

Since 1966, a member of the Union of artists of the USSR
member of the Union of artists of Russia.

Years after graduation I went on improving skills in the understanding of the traditions, to find its way
in art.
It was in these years make up the world of the artist, is determined by the range of topics and tastes, and the work begins to show the unique, joyous and happy tone, characteristic of its art.
In 60-ies Bogdanov takes for Union
the exhibition's two large decorative dishes "Work" and "Rest".
Inescapable feelings of joy, flowering, youth, sunlight complete these works.
Serafima Petrovna creates freely and uninhibited,
following his ideas and perceptions of life.
Flowers of Russia, the joy of life– theme
Serafima Petrovna in the early 60-ies,
was accompanied by her entire long life.
Porcelain Bogdanova is not just a floral painting,
this scene images,accompanied by explanatory inscriptions, the symbols
and signs. These images are a longstanding tradition in
the decoration of ceramic products.
Creativity Seraphim Petrovna is
a perfect example of understanding these traditions.
In the late 80-ies Bogdanov creates many great artistic pieces of glassware and one-of-its
unique things such as Plast "Peace",pair of decorative dishes "May there always be sunshine" and "Peace."

Participant in national and international exhibitions.

Operation Seraphim Bogdanova stored in:
The State Hermitage Museum,
The Museum of glass and ceramics "Manor Kuskovo XVIII century",
The state Historical Museum in Moscow
The state Russian Museum,
Russian Museum of decorative-applied art,
The Museum of the Imperial porcelain factory
in private collections.

The author sets
"Reflection" (1961),
"Floral lace" (1966),
"Flowers in the medallion" (1973),
"Polina" (1989),
"Fountains Of Peterhof" (1995),
"The Colonnade Of Apollo" (2002),
"Rossi Pavilion" (2002),
"Memory", etc.

Serafima Petrovna Bogdanov passed away July 5, 2010