Maksimovich Pashkevich

Russia • nato a 1936

Artist, Chairman of the Samara branch of the Union of artists of Russia.

Date of birth
16.06.1936 in Berestivka Zhytomyr region.

in 1959 he graduated from the engineering faculty, and in 1969 art faculty of Ukrainian polygraphic Institute them. Fedorov (Lviv). Languages: Ukrainian and English.

until 1967 he worked as an engineer-technologist; from 1967 to 1976 - the artist of the publishing house "Volga commune"; from 1976 to 1981 - Chairman of the Kuibyshev branch of Union of artists of Russia. Since 1991, in present position. Major works: a series of lithographs on the Volga, a series of etchings "the Dam" on the construction Shushenskaya HPP, series of engravings of the Yenisei river, a series of drawings of the Volgograd region, a series of drawings of the Voronezh region, triptychs "Nostalgia", "For women on earth."

Marital status
Married. He is married and has two sons: Eugene, born in 1959, a businessman, and Dmitry, born in 1965, artist.

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