Alekseevich Telepov

Russia • nato a 1916

Biografia e informazioni

(D. R. on the list WAH - 1916-02-29). Thesis in the CVC - "Lenin at the Third Congress of the Komsomol" rating - excellent. The training took place at the faculty of painting, awarded the title of artist of painting.

Painter. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

She graduated from the famous Art College of the Kuban in Krasnodar (1939); and went to study at the Academy of Arts im. Repin, after which he lived for 60 years in St. Petersburg, and the last 4 years of living in Paris.

Worked as a teacher of drawing and painting in school, in the House of Culture. Tsuryupa, and the 1st Five-year plan, in the Artistic-industrial School im. Mukhina.

The paintings are 7 museums in Russia and in private collections of Petersburg, Moscow, Paris, Zurich, London.

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