Petrovich Elfimov

Russia • nato a 1939

Biografia e informazioni

Born in the city of Ishim in the Omsk region (now Tyumen oblast). He graduated from the Moscow state University (1965). He worked as head of the literary section of the Russian drama theatre in Tselinograd, editor of the literary-drama edition of Omsk television. A specialist in the theory and history of art, deals with the history of architecture and architectural monuments in Omsk, the artistic life of the city. The author of the album-monographs "Nikolay Tretyakov" (Omsk, 1994) and "Kondraty Belov" (Omsk, 1997), and author of a number of catalogs of exhibitions of works of Omsk artists (V. Bugaev, M. I., Slobodin, G. Shtabnov, FD Bugaenko, N. Tretyakov), author of publications on the history of architecture and art life of the Omsk Irtysh region. According to art historian A. V. Vladimirova, L. P. Elfimov – witness of history of art and culture in our city and its active participant, all the significant events in the artistic life of Omsk in the second half of the XX century is closely and directly linked with his personality. The winner of the award of administration of the Omsk region "For merits in development of culture and art" (1997).

Lit.: Vibe p. P. Elfimov, Leonid Petrovich // Omsk history and local lore dictionary / p. P. Wiebe, A. P. Mikheev, N. M. Pugacheva. – M., 1994. – P. 81; Mazurova T. M. Research activity of pupils as a condition of ecological and Patriotic education on the L. P. Elfimov] // Sibirskiy sad – the territory of dreams. – Omsk, 2004. – P. 125-129: portr.

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