Ivanovich Kholodov

Russia • nato a 1936

Born in 1936 in the village of Kuznetsovka Cherlaksky district of Omsk region. By profession a carpenter. At the age of 25 he began to study painting. The main place in his work is landscapes. N. I. Cold – the participant of many exhibitions of Amateur artists, laureate of the First all-Union festival of Amateur art (1976). Solo exhibition – Leningrad (1989), Omsk (1986, 1987, 1994), Sevastopol (1989). The artist's works were exhibited in France (2000), Norway (2001), his works are in museums of Omsk, Moscow, Chita, in private collections of Russia, Finland, Norway, Germany, and France.

Lit.: Nicholas Cold weather : painting : catalogue. – Omsk, 1988. – [7] p.: Il; Nikolay Kholodov // Painting the City : the directory. [City], 2003. – P. 50-54 : ill.

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