Kugas (Kuga)

Russia • 1878−1969

1878.12 XII Riga region - 1969.24.XI Toronto, Canada

The founder of Latvian stage design.

Born into a peasant family

Studied at the Riga school of German Craftsmen to B. Borchert (1897 – 1898)

1905 - Graduated from the Central school for technical drawing them. Stieglitz in St. Petersburg. As a scholar of this school he has improved in France, Spain, England and Italy (190. -1908).

Worked at the New Riga theater, he designed the sets for many plays of Rainis, Aspazija, B. Sova, and many others.

1912 – 1914 – re-refined foreign countries. During the 1st World war was the designer of the St. Petersburg Latvian theatre.

1920 -1930 active in the National Opera and theater.

The artist collaborated with the provincial theatres in Talsi, Jelgava, Rauna.

1921 – 1944 – head of a workshop of decorative painting at the art Academy of Latvia, rector (1934 – 1940, 1941 – 1944), Professor from 1928.

Exhibitions from 1910, was a member of Latvian Art Union "Rūķis" (1900 -1905), a member of Latvian Art Union (1911 – 1940), the Art society "Sadarbs" (1928 – 1938), was a member of the Cultural Foundation (1934 – 1940), Chairman of the Patterned and the Art section (1938 – 1940).

Kuga has left a great impact on the Latvian stage design. He made bright the monumental scenography, showing deep knowledge of the culture and architecture of the time, ego was interested in the design of the old Latvian houses to use it on stage.

Kuga wrote altar painting for Issiles the Church, painting of the ceiling for the Riga castle. In the work wrote still lifes, portraits (A. Austrinus, A. Dombrovskis), landscapes.

The artist received the prize of the Latvian Culture Foundation (1924, 1925, Grand Prize in Paris (1939)

1944 – Emigration to Germany, the camp was taught at art school, wrote the scenery for the stage and participated in the exhibitions of Latvian artists.

1950 he moved to the USA.

1954 – received the award for sketches for the stage from ALA KF, 1960 – award of the People Links.

1969 – emigrated to Canada.

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