Roman (Robert)
Ivanovich Klein

Russia • 1858−1924

Student of the Academy of arts from 1879 To 1882 – the title of class artist of 3 degrees for the project "a small Orthodox Church with a crypt for a wealthy landowner in southern Russia." 29 Oct 1907 received the title of academician. Builder of Museum of fine arts named after Emperor Alexander III in Moscow.


He graduated from the Moscow school of painting (1879) and St. Petersburg. AH (1882). Worked mainly in Moscow, the author of the project of the building of the Central Department store (1908), the cinema "Colosseum" (1912), Museum of fine arts (1912) and other buildings. After the revolution he participated in several competitions (including the projects for the towns of Donbass, Grozny and Tuapse). In 1918-23 Professor of MVTU.

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