Egorovich Chernyshev

Russia • 1881−1963

Biografia e informazioni

Student of the Academy of arts from 1901 31 Oct 1907 – the title of artist-architect for the project: "Equipping for the arbitral Tribunal". Pensioner of the Academy of arts in 1908


He graduated from the Moscow school of painting (1901) and St. Petersburg. AKH (1907). Worked in Moscow. In 1934-41 chief architect of Moscow, in 1944-48 the beginning of the Department of architecture of Moscow city. In 1931-35 one of the developers of the plan of reconstruction of Moscow. In 1950-55 1st sekr. The Board of the SA of the USSR. Taught in ISKCON. The VKhUTEMAS (1918-30) and MARCHI (1931-50). Author of projects in the Moscow building Institute, Lenin - later Center. part. archive (1925-27), high-rise building of Moscow University on Lenin hills (with et al. 1949-53) and other buildings. The Winner Of The St. St. (1949).

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